Monday 18 November 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven by Kid Cudi

oh look, i want to die

Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven is the fifth studio album from American rapper alternative rock artist Kid Cudi. I listened to Man on the Moon: The End of Day recently and that was pretty great. What the fuck Kid Cudi. Where the fuck did that go? SB2H is honestly one of the worst albums I've listened to if I exclude the albums that are meant to be shitty. The first song goes on for way too long and it just sounds bad. Like real bad. It's trying to hit lo-fi but it sounds more like someone crumpled up some paper and threw it into a void. Also, fuck Beavis & Butthead. Don't give me a track and then have it finish with a 2 MINUTE B&B SEGMENT OF THEM JUST TALKING TO EACH OTHER IN THEIR STUPID FUCKING VOICES FUCK YOU KID CUDI AND FUCK YOU REPUBLIC FOR EVEN SIGNING OFF ON THIS SHIT. Excuse me, I really need to find something to cleanse my soul.

Devil's Score: 2

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