Friday 26 July 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Heard It in a Past Life by Maggie Rogers

Image result for heard it in a past lifefuck it, I'll do some here

Heard It in a Past Life is the debut studio album from American singer-songwriter Maggie Rogers. I enjoyed how it kicked off, it had honestly intrigued me as I was listening to the first couple of songs and I was like "damn this is pretty good." The downfall came when I thought I was maybe 3/4 of the way, maybe near the end of the album and I had only got through half. This means that I did find the album dragging in some areas, making it feel like I've been listening for longer than I should have, seeing as this is a 45-minute album. However, I can't really fault the music. All the songs are pretty good and I enjoyed the album. I also hoped the final song would be a bit more emphatic but it's wishful thinking.

Devil's Score: 7

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