Sunday 1 September 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: ...and they have escaped the weight of darkness by Olafur Arnalds

Image result for olafur arnalds album coverooooh this is relaxing

This is the second studio album from Icelandic multi-instrumentalist Olafur Arnalds. Looking through some of the work that Olafur has produced in his nearly 19-year career, I also noticed that he did the soundtrack for the UK TV show Broadchurch. Now that tidbit is out of the way, onto the review. I enjoyed it. The classical music was very relaxing and chilled me down, especially as I was working on coursework at the time. Although nothing stood out too much, the whole album was enjoyable for the fact that the music was pretty good and nothing was bland, monotonous or outlasted its welcome. For a neo-classical album to only last 49 minutes and have good substance is a great achievement. All in all, I might listen to this again if I want to focus, but it's not something I'd listen to normally.

Devil's Score: 7

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