Sunday 1 September 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Human by dodie

Image result for human dodie album coveri haven't done one of these in two weeks... jesus

Human is the third EP from English singer-songwriter Dodie Clark, also known as dodie. From what I've researched, some of these songs were at most from back in 2014 and released this year in a neat EP. My opinions on the EP are as follows: It's pretty meh. I'll respect that it is musically sound and that I don't have any gripes with the lyrics or instrumentation, but I did find it very slow and not interesting enough to grasp my attention. There was only one single from the EP that I can hum to myself on retrospect, and that's 'Monster' because it had a beat and something to dance along to. I get that a lot of the songs are meant to be slow, emotional and meaningful, but it didn't really pique my interest. For showing good potential in an EP this gets a solid score.

Devil's Score: 6

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