Sunday 1 September 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Mood Swings by Divided Minds

Image result for mood swings divided minds album coverthis is such an Andreas pick (Editor's Note: Andreas is my most-prolific suggester)

Mood Swings is the debut EP from American pop band Divided Minds. Straight away, I noticed that this must've been suggested by Andreas because straight away I noticed some shredding of the guitar kind and I knew that he'd be into it. However, I did not expect it to have such a pop-punk feel, especially when this came out last year. All in all, the instruments were really good. I always found myself bopping along to the music. The whole pop-punk vocalist stuff where they strain their voices does put me off sometimes, but overall I did enjoy the album. The songs were all pretty good and I would recommend this to someone, especially if they have 2007 withdrawal.

Devil's Score: 8

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