Monday 10 June 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: amo by Bring Me The Horizon

Image result for amo album covernew release time

amo is the sixth studio album from British rock band Bring Me The Horizon, and before I do this review I must warn fans of Bring Me The Horizon: You are gonna hate this album and all it stands for. For the people who aren't fans or haven't heard of them yet: You're gonna really like this album. Let me break it down. Bring Me The Horizon debuted as a deathcore band but slowly moved towards Metalcore in the later albums. When it hit That's The Spirit (which has bangers), it started moving away from the more aggressive style and into something more mainstream. amo marks probably one of the biggest shifts for the artist and a shift that has been felt hard by fans. In my opinion, I like all of the songs, I think they're pretty good. I don't love them all though, some of them aren't perfect but most of them are really good. Songs like "MANTRA", "medicine" and "wonderful life" are highlights of this album and if I have to be honest, lowlights are "sugar honey ice & tea" and "why you gotta kick me when i'm down?". Overall if you're a Bring Me The Horizon fan, give it a listen out of loyalty but you're probably not gonna enjoy it. For anyone else, I'd suggest having a try of it because this is probably the path BMTH are taking.

Devil's Score: 8

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