Monday 10 June 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Spongebob's Greatest Hits by Spongebob Squarepants

Image result for spongebob's greatest hits album coverdid 2001 really have these poor spongebob songs?

Spongebob's Greatest Hits is a compilation album of the "greatest hits" of the Nickelodeon cartoon series Spongebob Squarepants before 2001. Firstly, WHERE THE FUCK IS SWEET VICTORY I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL A BITCH. Secondly, some of these songs were terrible. How can you give me some of the best songs like "F.U.N. Song", "Campfire Song Song" and "Ripped Pants" at the very start and then give me "Where's Gary?" and "My Tighty Whiteys" straight after. Also WHAT THE FUCK IS THE GOOFY GOOBER SONG IN THIS??? It's like someone asked a low rate DJ to take the song and remix it for a club. It makes zero sense. Highlights are the start of the album, "Stadium Rave" (the song when the Jellyfish live in Spongebob's house), "Goofy Goober Rock" (despite the lack of scat singing) and "The Best Day Ever". Overall, there are good songs on there, but some of the songs are utterly shite. I think this score is slightly boosted by nostalgia, but the nostalgic songs were good.

Devil's Score: 6

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