Monday 10 June 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Soul Punk by Patrick Stump

Image result for soul punk album coverfall out boy? more like... soul out boy!

Soul Punk was the solo project of Fall Out Boy frontman Patrick Stump during their hiatus between 2010 and 2012. He wrote, produced and played every instrument for this album and if you listen to this album, you can realise how great an artist Patrick Stump is. To move from the pop-punk style of Fall Out Boy to something more soulful was never going to be impossible for Stump, who naturally has a soulful voice, but the way this is put together is great. So many of the songs are great to listen to and a lot of them had me bopping in my chair. "This City" stands as one of my favourites from this album and for a pure solo project to be this great, I applaud Patrick Stump for his efforts. Even though this album may have bombed commercially, it should stand as an amazing passion project.

Devil's Score: 9

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