Monday 10 June 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Senpai - EP by Sithu Aye

Image result for senpai EP sithu aye album coverbiggest expectation subversion ever

When I first saw the name Sithu Aye, I thought "oh jeez it's gonna be one of those boring foreign music artists who drags on for over an hour". Then I realised what Senpai - EP would mean and thought "okay maybe it will be something like Moshi Moshi". AND THEN MY BOY FUCKING PULLS A FUCKING GUITAR EP ON ME. I cannot tell you how thrilled I was when the opening track "Oh Shit, I'm Late For School!" played and I realised that I was gonna get Polyphia vibes all over again. Literally, the whole EP is an amazing collection of guitar and I wholly suggest you listen. I mean, it's only 13 minutes long.

Devil's Score: 9

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