Monday 10 June 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: The Incredible True Story by Logic

Image result for the incredible true story logic album coverokay, under pressure wasn't a fluke

When Keith and Koli both suggested Logic albums in tandem, I was annoyed. After listening to YSIV, I had put myself on the "Fuck Logic" train, the train that I now regret getting on after listening to the two Logic albums I was suggested. While Under Pressure was a pretty good album, I found The Incredible True Story (TITS for short) great. Firstly, there's still the dialogue and scenes which do overwhelm sometimes, but the space theme and comedy did make me chuckle at times and I didn't find them irritating. The songs are actually great. You would not believe how many times I got lost into the music. All in all, The Incredible True Story is the best Logic album that I have listened to, and I think it deserves a shot score.

Devil's Score: 8

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