Monday 10 June 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Tourist History by Two Door Cinema Club

Image result for tourist history album coverTwo Door Cinema Club are the most underrated band ever fight me

Tourist History is the debut studio album from Northern Irish indie rock band Two Door Cinema Club. It is named after their hometown's reputation as a tourist attraction (Bangor for those quizzers out there). I just really like Two Door Cinema Club and I went into this having already favourited four songs from the album. At the end of this, I favourited the whole album. Let's see what I think: Two Door Cinema Club is the pinnacle of indie rock. I know I might be exaggerating at points, but I honestly believe that Two Door Cinema Club have always been far and ahead of an incredible band and their music is just incredible as well. It really hits you when the first four songs of the album are ones that you haven't favourited, yet you somehow remember them and they're still just as brilliant as how I remember them. The singles "Something Good Can Work", "I Can Talk", "Undercover Martyn" and "What You Know" are absolute classics and I still listen to them by choice today. It's a great guitar, great vocals and overall, it is just really catchy. I found myself playing air guitar way too much during this review session. Overall, I am in love with Tourist History and you should be too.

Devil's Score: 10

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