Thursday 23 May 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Ballads 1 by Joji

Image result for ballads 1 album coverSo, this is a case where I review something because it just came out and I'm excited about it. Ballads 1 is, according to Spotify, Joji's real first album. It has the singles "SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK", "TEST DRIVE", "CAN'T GET OVER YOU" and "YEAH RIGHT". The singles are pretty good, by themselves, it's probably a 9/10. However, Ballads 1 starts a bit weird with ATTENTION but keeps the momentum going until the end. It's not as polished as I'd like it to be, and some of the vocal styling choices are a bit peculiar. It's a good album, but nowhere close to In Tongues.

Devil's Score: 8

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