Wednesday 22 May 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Five by Hollywood Undead

Image result for five hollywood undead album coverIt's not often that I come across an album that I'm fearing of listening to. Examples include Anal Cunt, The Old Roads, and The Beards. I'm a bit indifferent with Hollywood Undead because I always saw them as and not very musically talented. I shouldn't be so critical, as I listen to the emo trinity still. Moving on, this album surprised me. It started off really well, and I was scared I'd have to swallow my words and admit that Hollywood Undead was good. To be honest, it was pretty good rock music with shouting. Then the trickle of off songs came in. Some songs were actually quite annoying and or put me off listening for a bit. One song called "Riot" was literally on the edge, as it had a fucking banging instrumental, but the vocals and other parts put me off. Overall, it's an okay album but lacks in the parts it needs the most.

Devil's Score: 6

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