Wednesday 22 May 2019


Image result for the click AJR album coverYou know when you're really hyped for an album or an artist because you've heard generally good things from people about it, but it turns out not as good as you were expecting? That's this album for me. I've heard things about AJR quite a lot, as they've slowly been becoming a new big alternative band. But when listening to The Click, I didn't really see the big hype about the band. The vocals aren't really hitting it for me, and some of the effects are very offputting. There are some songs that I found okay, and two songs that I quite liked in Three-Thirty and Come Hang Out, but overall, I'm slightly disappointed, especially as the last song of the album would be something I'd put near mid-top. Very poor placement there. I was looking forward to this one.

Devil's Score: 6 (I will say this that this album art is cute as heck though)

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