Wednesday, 29 May 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: occam's razor by shinigami

Image result for occam's razor shinigami album coverRight, I was hoping for something a bit cooler.

occam's razor isn't great. I might even stretch it isn't good. It's average, but I can't call it meh. There is some good instrumentation on the album and I can respect that. But JESUS FUCKING CHRIST what the fuck is this vocalist on? He reminds me of a mix of stereotypical emo music and Owl City. It doesn't click, especially on "angel boy" which is an instant skip. I'll admit there are some times where the vocals are okay and bearable, but they don't come often. Oh, also this album is extremely edgy and shouty. "netherrealm" is a fucking perfect example of this, with a certain line "what would you do if you came home to see me hanging from the ceiling". I know it's trying to convey the message of suicidal tendencies and depression, but to how that song was structured, that is not a great line.

Okay let me make a TL;DR: So fucking edgy and irritating. Only the instrumentation and occasional good vocal saves this from crashing

Devil's Score: 3

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