Thursday 30 May 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: A Picture Perfect Hollywood Heartbreak by Zach Callison

Image result for zach callison a picture perfect hollywood heartbreakwhy did i add these subtitles again? i guess for jokes

Zach Callison is most well-known for being a voice actor, most notably as Steven Universe in the eponymous TV show on Cartoon Network. This EP is his debut into the world of music, and it was okay. With an infusion of soul and jazz, it did bring something to the table that I hadn't heard in a while, but a lot of the time it didn't sound perfectly refined. Vocals were off at times, kinda sounding like the singing you'd get from a musical, and sometimes the instruments weren't up to par. Adding on to that, WHO IN THE FUCK PUTS INTERLUDES BETWEEN ALL OF YOUR SONGS! Interludes can be done right. Unfortunately, maybe half of the interludes here were done okay and the rest were poor. I'll admit War! is a pretty good song, but all in all, it's not really great.

Devil's Score: 5

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