Thursday, 30 May 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships by The 1975

Image result for a brief inquiry into online relationships album coveri really wanted to like this

ABIIOR is the third studio album by British band The 1975. I think this review might go on for a while so give me time. My feelings about The 1975 are... odd. Some of their songs I do genuinely enjoy, such as "Chocolate", "The Sound" and "Sincerity Is Scary" from this album. But there's also a part of me that dislikes The 1975 for some reason. If you recall, I gave their self-titled album a 6/10, and there's part of me that doesn't really enjoy lead singer Matt Healy, whether that's as a person or an artist. Either way, I tried to stay unbiased during this review, because I wanted to give the band their chance. Unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectations. I was hoping for an album that would wow me and just take me off my feet. Instead, we got the hits like "Give Yourself A Try" and "TOOTIMETOOTIMETOOTIME", some good other songs, but a lot of meh and some interludes that didn't really hit the spot for me. I'll say it's an improvement over their self-titled album, but it still didn't make me tip on the edge for The 1975. Maybe if I ever listen to "I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it", perhaps my general view of the band would improve, but for now, I'm indifferent on them.

Devil's Score: 7

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