Thursday, 23 May 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Tha Carter V by Lil Wayne

Image result for tha carter v album coverLil Wayne is actually not that bad. Okay, now that I've got that out of my system, let's go. Carter V is a pretty good album with some great beats and occasional glimpses of world-class rapping. I enjoyed the most part of it. However, as usual, there are some downsides to this album. Firstly, the opening intermission will confuse you and maybe put you off. It did to me as well. It's just a voicemail of someone Lil Wayne is related to telling him that they love him. Also, some of the songs aren't really hitting my spot. Of course, there's the trademark Lil Wayne slurring rap, where it seems he's too drunk and high to function, and some raps don't really go the right way for me. As well as that, the album does feel a bit dragging at an hour and 27 minutes but overall, it's solid and better than Logic.

Devil's Score: 6

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