Wednesday 22 May 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: High Visceral, Pt. 1 by Psychedelic Porn Crumpets

Image result for high visceral pt. 1 album coverThis surprised me. With a name like Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, I was expecting some sort of odd music that would have probably made part 4 of this review sprint a bit of a sigh fest. But Jesus Christ, if fucking "Cornflake" isn't one of the greatest album openers ever, I don't know what is. This album holds host to so many awesome guitar riffs and moments that I really fucking loved. I was doing stuff for quiz night and from time to time I'd just start jamming out to this. It's actually brilliant. You can tell there is a bit of psych rock in it, especially with "...and the Addled Abstraction of Being" ending with tons of bird noises, but nevertheless, I fucking loved this album. I am sold on PPC.

Devil's Score: 9

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