Wednesday 22 May 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Paramore by Paramore

Image result for paramore album coverWell, it's been a fucking long time, what with a holiday, a trip to the soulmate's and basically ending my podcast but I'm here and what a fucking album to start off with. This was a big album for Paramore as they were dealing with a heavy loss of members a la Panic! At The Disco after Pretty. Odd. The self-titled album came 4 years after their prior album and brought about a whole change in the music, ditching the pop-punk music that we were used to with something more poppy. Is it a good album though? Absolutely. It's a great start in Fast In My Car and Now, two songs that really pump you up, and the last song Future (great name for the last song of an album) is the archetypal last song of an album with a sombre tone and a really long af outro. Paramore is a great album and I'd suggest you have a listen to it, or at least the hits in Now, Ain't It Fun and Still Into You.

Devil's Score: 8

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