Wednesday 22 May 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Vicious by Halestorm

Image result for vicious halestorm album coverI'll respect that there is some talent here. It is evident that some of the songs are okay, maybe even good. I am here writing this while listening to the penultimate song and it will probably roll over to the last song. My problem with this album is that it completely disinterests me. Like, the fact that it goes hard and there is some good instrumentation on some of the songs makes it surprising that I'd be so disinterested in this album. Maybe it's something to do with the lead singer or just their songs in general, but there is like one or two songs from the album I can remember how they go, and I wouldn't listen back to them. I initially was going to give this a 6, but on further review, it's middle marks.

Extra Notes: I really don't like how Lizzy Hale sings.

Devil's Score: 5

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