Wednesday 22 May 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Lake Effect Kid EP by Fall Out Boy

Image result for lake effect kid album coverThis EP came out basically by surprise and boasted 3 tracks, with one getting a music video as well. I’ve only actually listened to this and pushed it to the top of the list because Angel had me listen to it when I came round hers. Anyway, it’s a pretty good EP. The first song is trademark classic Fall Out Boy, with great guitars, that pop-punk feel and just a great nostalgia. The second track hits you with a bit of mid-Fall Out Boy with a more slower but still good song. Finally, it hits you with a more modern song with EDM involved and it’s also pretty good. Due to it being only 3 songs, I can’t give it a perfect score, but it does very well.

Devil’s Score: 8

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